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Tuesday 29 March 2011

Reeves Independent's Fund Report 18/03/11 - 25/03/11

The markets have struggled in the last few weeks in the aftermath of the problems in Japan & ongoing unrest throughout the Middle East. However last week the markets recovered well with all but 2 of our 39 invested funds showing positive returns.

Fund of the week this week was in both of our Balanced portfolios & produced a 5.72% return for our clients invested. The Artemis European Growth fund was the standout fund in a portfolio where every fund gave a return of at least 1.9%.

Additionaly our Aggressive portfolio also produced some positive returns. Several of the funds produced over 3% growth. The only negative return was from our oil fund, which was expected due to the ongoing Libyan dispute.

Finally our Cautious portfolio, as expected produced the least growth, however it still experienced an average return of 1.16%.

If you would like to know more about any of our funds or discuss the opportunity to get more out of your own money then contact us on 0871 271 1280 or e-mail info@reevesifa.com

Friday 25 March 2011


Chancellor George Osborne delivered his 2011 Budget statement on Wednesday. We don't want to bore you with all the facts but here are the main points that we feel are relevant:

  • Hutton recommendations on public sector accepted
  • Annual growth forecast revised down from 2.1% to 1.7% in 2012
  • Inflation expected to remain at 4.5% this year, 2.5% next year & 2% the following year
  • Borrowing forecast to fall from £146bn this year to £29bn in 2015/16
  • £250m shared equity scheme for first time buyers
  • Single-tier flat-rate state pension to be created, expected to be about £140 a week
  • £350m worth of regulation on businesses to be removed
  • Relief for entrepreneur tax doubled to £10m
  • Personal tax allowance to rise from £7,475 to more than £8,105 in April 2012

Next week we will delve further into a couple of the points raised and explain how they will affect you in the future!

If you would like advice on any of the points we have raised then call 0871 271 1280 to speak to one of our experienced staff members.

Monday 21 March 2011

Client not happy with her pension!

I attended a meeting with a new client today on the basis of the above. Quite a common groan and one that is regularly commented on in the popular media.

Let's look at what she was unhappy with.

First of all 4 years ago she had aims of retiring 4 years from now. These plans are NOT now going to happen.

These plans were based upon the growth and sale of a business that she had paid top price for. It had been funded through a small deposit mortgage . She and her husband had also started funding pensions and ISA's which were to form part of the plan.

So what's gone wrong?

First of all the plan was based upon growing the sales in the business that she purchased. This was to fund the pensions and increase the value of the business.

Due to the economic conditions, unfortunately sales have dropped resulting in the stopping of the pension funding. With the valuations of many businesses being highly correlated to sales, the value of the business has fallen resulting in negative equity. This has been compounded by the lack of finance for future purchasers resulting in the absence of any likely purchasers at the levels required.

The pension funds invested in are showing reduced valuations compared with the forecasts. Why? The original funding plan has not been maintained hence significantly less money has been invested. On top of this, the growth rate used in the forecast has not been achieved. The reason being that the funds selected were never going to achieve the 9% growth rate since the money was invested in a low risk with profit fund. To achieve the higher growth rate higher risk investment funds need to be invested in which of course would expose the client to potential losses.

So what is the message?

My business will be my pension is a high risk strategy that a number of people are using. Many factors can scupper this plan. Always have a mixed portfolio of investments.

Pensions are part of the retirement planning strategy and are tax efficient too. However, they need to be funded properly and in accordance with your plans.

The investment returns in the pension are driven by the investment choice you make. These can be changed in accordance with the fund options by the provider and should be reviewed regularly.

The risk of the investment should match the expectations, desires and needs of the individual as well as the overall strategy.

All the best plans need regular reviews and may need drastic changes.

At Reeves Independent we endeavour to ensure clients make realistic plans, understand the risks and limitations involved.

We try to ensure investments are reviewed and suitable to the clients needs.

The pension performance has actually been the positive thing in the whole story!

What about the client?

They are going to work hard at stabilising the income which they are positive will happen as the economy recovers. They have some new retirement goals and will hope to sell the business once the sales have grown and more attractive lending is available.

In addition, some identified costs have been reduced and some new income sources are to be developed after our review.

The pension and ISA funds will be reviewed to try and maximise the investment returns over the next 5 years and funding will be resumed once the sales levels are adequate.

A full review of the plan will take place next year.

Friday 4 March 2011

Interest rates - Where are they going?

The world markets remain volatile.

We are seeing dramatic, sudden changes to valuations in stock markets in response to world events. The FTSE is riding high in 2011 as is the Dow Jones.

There have been concerns about the UK economy shrinking back into recession and concerns about the high rates of inflation.

Bank of England Base Rate over
the last 12 years
There are mixed reports about how long interest rates will remain low. Mervin King, in his recent trip to Newcastle suggested that they will remain low for some time to come. More recently, reports are that the committee are starting to move towards a rate increase.

State Second Pension - Have you contracted out?

Over the years a number of clients have contracted out of what was known as SERPS. More recently this has been known as the state second pension.

As of April 2012 this practice is being abolished. Clients need do nothing after this date since the changes will be automatic. There are a number of implications for clients – especially those that want to retire pre state pension.

Clients that have existing opted out of SERPS money may wish to consider their investment options with this money. In many cases this fund has become a significant asset – we have seen funds in excess of £50,000.