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Tuesday 29 March 2011

Reeves Independent's Fund Report 18/03/11 - 25/03/11

The markets have struggled in the last few weeks in the aftermath of the problems in Japan & ongoing unrest throughout the Middle East. However last week the markets recovered well with all but 2 of our 39 invested funds showing positive returns.

Fund of the week this week was in both of our Balanced portfolios & produced a 5.72% return for our clients invested. The Artemis European Growth fund was the standout fund in a portfolio where every fund gave a return of at least 1.9%.

Additionaly our Aggressive portfolio also produced some positive returns. Several of the funds produced over 3% growth. The only negative return was from our oil fund, which was expected due to the ongoing Libyan dispute.

Finally our Cautious portfolio, as expected produced the least growth, however it still experienced an average return of 1.16%.

If you would like to know more about any of our funds or discuss the opportunity to get more out of your own money then contact us on 0871 271 1280 or e-mail info@reevesifa.com

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