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Friday 15 April 2011

Save for a Child's Future with a Young Saver Plan

Save for your son, daughter, grandchild, niece or nephew and enjoy a TAX-EXEMPT lump sum and sickness benefits of up to £400 a week.

With a Young Saver Plan it is designed so you can save from just £7.50 right up to £100 a month, knowing there won't be a penny in tax to pay on the growth of the fund or on the final lump sum payout on maturity in ten years or at age 18. You can increase or reduce your premiums at any time to suit you, and parents or guardians have the option of withdrawing up to 25% of the value when the child is aged 11.

The plan includes sickness benefits too, so if the child is ill and the parent or guardian has to take time off work to take care of them, they can claim up to £400 a week from the child's 5th birthday.

Just look at what the Young Saver Plan has to offer:

Flexible savings - Save from as little as £7.50 right up to £100 a month and vary your premiums to suit your circumstances.

TAX-EXEMPT growth and lump sum - You won't have to pay a penny in tax on the growth of the savings fund or on the final lump sum payout.

Sickness benefits for peace of mind - After the child's 5th Birthday, the parent can claim up to £400 a week in benefits to help cover the costs, if the child is ill for over 4 weeks.

You can make a withdrawal at age 11 - While the plan is designed to run for at least 10 years, parents or guardians have the option of withdrawing up to 25% of the fund when the child reaches age 11.

With the costs of bring up a child apparently growing year by year, saving a regular amount each month to build up a useful lump sum really does make sense for families today.

So for example if you saved just £1 a day for the least amount of time the plan is designed for the child would theoretically have over £3,500 when they turned 18, which could be put towards a variety of things.

To speak to one of our experienced advisors about a Young Saver Plan then call Reeves Independent on 0871 271 1280 or e-mail info@reevesifa.com

Please Note all references to taxation are to UK taxation and are based on our understanding of current legislation and H M Revenue and Customs practice which may change in the future.

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