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Tuesday 24 May 2011

Reeves Independent Weekly Investment Report 13/05/11 - 20/05/11

Following our weekly investment presentation where we take a look at all the different factors worldwide that may have an affect on the markets, we have outlined the three main points that came out of the meeting;-

Fund of the Week

Last weeks best performing fund came from our “Aggressive Portfolio”. The “IShares FTSE/NAREIT US Property Yield income” fund returned 1.28% in just a week. As the name suggests, this fund invests in US property markets and over the last eighteen months has out-performed against North American Property. Is this an insight of things to come or an anomalous result? As we build our latest portfolios this is a question to be addressed.

Cautious Portfolio

It was an outstanding week for our “Cautious Portfolio”, with all twelve funds returning positive results. This means that over the last month our Cautious Portfolio has seen an average return of 2.02%. The objective for our Cautious Portfolio is to produce higher returns than cash. As you can see from the figures our Cautious funds produced higher returns this month than deposit accounts can, some of which only see interest of 2% in a year.

Japanese Recession

News came out on Thursday 19.05.2011 that Japan’s economy had slipped back into recession. This is the third time Japan has been hit by recession within the last decade and can be distinctly linked to the effects of the earthquake and the consequential tsunami and nuclear crisis. These three combined, as expected, has had an impact on the Japanese output in the first quarter of 2011. How much will this continue throughout quarter two?

These subjects are just a small part of this weeks considerations.  Events over the last few months and thoughts on what could be happening in these and other sectors will have to be taken into account when we choose our funds for the up coming version 7 portfolios.

If you would like to have a review of your investment portfolio or you would like to know more about our WRAP portfolio management service then contact us on 0871 271 1280 or e-mail info@reevesifa.com

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