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Thursday 22 September 2011

Client 'WRAP Accounts' Explained!

Before taking an in-depth look at the principles of our investment philosophy, we thought it would be helpful to explain one of the important features of Reeves' investment proposition; namely the use of client 'WRAP accounts', which are designed to complement and assist the ongoing financial planning and wealth management process.

In brief, instead of the traditional and often haphazard composition of a client's assets, which might be dispersed amongst a variety of financial institutions, a WRAP account is an administration service offered by an independent, specialist provider, which enables you to hold all of your assets - be they your general investment portfolio, pensions, investment bonds, ISAs, etc - in one place.

You no longer need to deal with several different companies to achieve specific objectives in your overall financial planning strategy, nor do you have to receive masses of paperwork from each of them, nor find yourself wondering how your portfolio has been performing.

In our view, WRAP accounts are very cost-effective and essential to the improvement of your financial organisation, as well as being central to the provision of a professional wealth management service, both now and into the future.

A detailed appraisal of the features and benefits of your private WRAP account is not appropriate here, but in summary, it provides:

- Simplicity

- Transparency

- Consolidation of your financial affairs and statements

- The functionality to deliver the smooth, efficient management of your assets

- Quick and easy implementation or change of financial planning strategies

- Access to low cost, institutional investment funds

- Unrestricted tax planning opportunities / investment choices

- The ability to receive your income payments from just one source

- A significant reduction in paperwork and administration

- Immediate, secure access to your portfolio via Reeves' website
Increase your chances of having more income when you retire by working your investments!

To find our more about Reeves Independent Portfolio Management Service contact us on 0871 271 1280 or e-mail info@reevesifa.com for a FREE no obligation appointment!

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