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Tuesday 25 October 2011


Our colleague Liam Naulls had his Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction operation last week so we thought we would re-post an old blog to really hit home the point.

In January this year Liam sustained a serious knee injury playing football. After a bad tackle he ruptured his cruciate ligaments in his right knee, which required a full reconstruction.

If Liam had, had Private Medical Insurance (PMI) he would have had the operation a lot earlier . He could also be now recieving regular physio if he had added a few benefits to a PMI package.

The NHS has huge pressure on it, with long waiting lists, which is why Liam had to wait 9 months for his operation. With this in mind the number of people trusting in PMI and actually taking the option of PMI is on the increase (http://www.hi-mag.com/health-insurance/product-area/pmi/article370903.ece).

"This whole scenerio has made me realise the importance of PMI, and in hindsight I wish I had had some in place as I would be on the mend now." Liam acknowledged, "At 28, I thought why would I need it? But this has highlighted to me it is very much necessary".

At present we are working in conjunction with a PMI organisation, and from as little as £4 a week you can a basic plan that would enable you to use private medical faclities! If you would like to talk about PMI contact us on 0871 271 1280 or e-mail info@reevesifa.com now to speak to one of our experienced team!

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