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Thursday 16 September 2010

Preparing for Unemployment

In our blog we always tell you WHY you should start investing money and why you should invest in a pension.

Every reason we have given you to invest so far has been about positives. "A great future for you and your loved ones" "Maintaining a luxury life without income" "Chase your ambitions". However it's not that easy for everyone. In the past 12 months we have all saw unemployment rates climbing at a staggering rate and with the new coalitions cuts it looks possible that there could be more people losing their jobs,

If you have experience in your profession and your work history is good then you will more than likely find a job. For most it's when not if the next job is coming around the corner and if you are financially prepared then losing your job will just be a minor setback. If you aren't prepared then it could result in an absolute financial disaster.

Below are some figures on unemploment in the UK

Yorks/Humber: 242,000
Wales: 121,000
Scotland: 239,000
North West: 297,000
South East: 273,000
Northern Ireland: 57,000
North East: 118,000
East: 204,000
East Midlands: 169,000
London: 380,000
West Midlands: 226,000
South West: 162,000

Hopefully you are reading this as a working person and not somebody who is unemployment and unprepared. For more information about Unemployment and Job loss protection plans ring Reeves Independent on 0871 271 1280 or email pat@reevesifa.com for more info.

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