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Wednesday 13 October 2010

Day 1

Today is an exciting day for Reeves Independent as Nigel Reeves launches the Reeves Independent Training Academy. Students from the cities top universities have been invited to partake in a training scheme that will give them experienced and skilled expertise in sales/marketing and business.

The students are currently in our board meeting listening to Nigel talk about who we are, what we do and what we want to achieve. Nigel is then going to talk the students through basic sales techniques concentrating initially on "how to approach a potential lead" and then concluding with "identifying a lead" and "qualifying a lead".

All of the students will be given a chance to test their skills on our promotion stands in the upcoming weeks and today have been informed that they can earn up to £240 for six hours work.

We have students from Ireland, Spain and Latvia attending today and we wish them all the very best of luck and success in their future in sales.

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