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Thursday 28 October 2010

This Week @ Reeves Independent

Today has been a pretty hectic one for us in the office.

Steve our new para-planner is now fully settled in and by all means thoroughly enjoying being part of the team. We currently have lots of work going on (good thing) so he has lots to get on with. 
Liam has been interviewing half of Newcastle for the position on promotional staff that we are currently recruiting and after a few dozen phone interviews has selected the best candidates to come into the office tomorrow afternoon for some training.

Tomorrow is week 3 of the Reeves Independent Training Academy. Nigel has gave a really good introduction to the company and a start on the "approach" the next couple of weeks will really make or break the candidates as they will be doing practical training such as face to face dummy runs which will show us who we want working on our stands. Last week, new recruit James, was the first to feed through from the training academy and although I wasn't there the guys on the stand said he did brilliantly, so well done to him.

Patrick Leonard attended an Invesco seminar yesterday at the wonderful Marriot Hotel in Gateshead. Our Marketing man picked up lots of advice and opinions on the markets which will hopefully give him the grounds to write some very good articles on this very blog. I know he has taken some fantastic information from them about their review of the markets so look out for monthly reviews.

Our football team, Newcastle Chemfica are doing extremely well in the Northern Alliance division 2 and are sitting in the top 3, this weekend they entertain Red House Farm at Cochrane park. Red House are a new, youthful team that will provide the lads with a difficult test. We now do programmes on a matchday, so if you are interested in sponsoring that, let us know.


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