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Friday 27 August 2010

Current Economic Thoughts (Aug2010)

Investment Update

We are adding a new monthly installment to our Blog called Current Economic Thoughts. We will use it to show you the analysis of the markets and economy over the last month and finalise it with thoughts on the future. This is the August 2010 version.

As you know, last time we contacted you we recommended that you kept your money in cash due to the unstable markets. If you have been watching the markets then you will have seen that they have been very erratic.

When advising on investing we always take in to account your attitude to risk, your objectives and current market conditions. Obviously it will be natural for you to wonder why your money was not in the markets instead of cash when they started to perform above expectation. The simple answer is the markets could have easily gone the other way and this has been proven correct as the FTSE stands at a 7 week low and around the level that it was when we decided to pull out.

We are constantly reviewing and studying the markets as well as researching the “experts” opinions from a vast range of sources that we subscribe to. Although we still feel that a cash investment is right for some of our clients we are always looking to re-enter the market if we feel it is the RIGHT time for YOU.

To recap: Global markets have been extremely volatile of late and there have been instances of large gains and large losses. For many the time is still not right for investment. We have produced a longer write up of our thoughts on global markets which is available to all clients on request. Please email Patrick Leonard at: pat@reevesifa.com for a detailed market report.

The article above is intended to provide general information and does not represent a personal recommendation of any product or service. The value of investments can fall as well as rise and you may not get back the full amount invested. Past performance is not a guide to future returns. The sections within this article are opinion only and do not constitute advice. Charges may be applicable to any investments you make and are subject to change without prior notice. Please refer to our brochure for information on our other products and services.

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