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Thursday 5 August 2010

First Post

We've been down the Blogging route before, but this time we promise to update it more regularly. Things are starting to expand for Reeves Independent. We have expanded our staff team allowing us to spend more time on finding the best investments for you. We have also decided to spend alot more time talking to our clients, so expect a call pretty soon!

For those of you that don't know who we are, we are Reeves Independent. We are based in Jesmond, Newcastle and we have been in financial services for the last 15 years. We offer a service called "the portfolio management service" to help old and new clients' alike, achieve their investment goals.

Coming up for you in the next few weeks/months, we will be putting up articles/blog posts detailed with information about how to save/make money. We also now have a twitter page and you can find us (follow us :D) on www.twitter.com/reevesifa

If you have a blog, link us and we'll return the favour, keep checking the blog page as we will be giving out some amazing freebies!


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