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Friday 6 August 2010

Personal Well Being

This is an introduction to a series we are going to do on personal well being, concentrating on happiness and relationships. We at Reeves Independent believe that a happy and healthy lifestyle added with hard work equals to a prosperous future.

In this series we will be talking about the following;

- Time management                                                  
- Improving your health
- Improving your knowledge
- Improving your personal nature
- Step by step way of improving and expanding friendships / relationships.

We will be concluding the series with an article on ambition, something that we are very passionate about. Ambition is the desire for personal achievement. It provides the motivation and determination necessary to help give direction to life. Ambitious people seek to be the best at what they choose to do for attainment, power, or superiority.

Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude. (Thomas Jefferson)

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