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Tuesday 28 June 2011

Case Study - The Importance of Income Protection!

A recent meeting with a client once again highlighted the importance of having protection in place from the inability to work. Unfortunately this was a very severe case in which the client will not be able to work again.

Mr X was a healthy 47 year old with no previous medical problems who believed he had a mild chest infection. However sadly it was much worse and he was diagnosed with a very serious illness, which has meant he has to have both his heart & lungs replaced. This is a very extreme case in terms of the severity of the illness, but not an uncommon consequence as many people are not able to work due to ill health.

What makes this whole scenerio worse is that he had no protection in place to cover him against this situtation as he felt it was NOT needed. This means he has no money apart from his jobseekers allowance & associated disability benefits. He has also been given one month's wages from his employer as a gesture for his 15 years in employment, but this still a very small amount. As you can imagine he is very distressed about this, but he has recieved no councelling, which if had cover could also have been given to him.

There are a huge variety of protection policies available, which can be tailored to individuals circumstances. For example someone who is married with 2 kids & a mortgage will require a different plan to someone single with no mortgage. In the above case there were no dependents, but this is obviously a huge factor when choosing your plan.

Here at Reeves Independent we would gather a full fact find to fully understand your whole situation and research appropriately from this. This would then enable us to present to you the best options in respect to protecting the wellbeing of you & your family in the unfortunate event of ill health or even death.

For a FREE no obligation chat about your requirements then call 0191 281 9862 or e-mail info@reevesifa.com NOW!

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