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Monday 13 June 2011

Reeves Independent's Quarterly Investment Report!

This week signalled the end of Reeves Independent's Investment Quarter. Our version 6 portfolio's performances were as follows;

All but one of our Cautious Portfolio funds produced positive returns. The average gain across these 12 funds was 2.54%. These quarterly returns are more than the majority of current accounts offer in a year. Our highest gain within this portfolio was 7.68% from the “Invesco Perpetual High Income ACC”  Fund. This was only added at the beginning of March following extensive research from our investment team.

More impressive were our Balanced funds, who actually eclipsed our cautious funds, with all 8 of them producing positive returns. The fund producing the greatest return in this portfolio was the “Aberdeen European Equity A”, which returned 5.4%. Overall our balanced portfolio averaged a notable 3.08% over the quarter.

Our Aggressive funds were less pleasing as they were constantly hampered by the aftermath of the Japanese Tsunami, the instability of various worldwide economies and the problems in such countries as Libya, Egypt and the Middle East region. However it must be stated that very few of our clients have invested within this portfolio as we had advised them not to from research undertaken.

At Reeves Independent we are now analysing these quarterly results and we are developing our Version 7 portfolios. Extensive research will be undertaken from our investment team, which will result in some funds being taken our of the various portfolios and new funds added, with the overall aim being to better the above quarters performance.

If you would like to have a review of your investment portfolio or you would like to possibly make returns like those mentioned above then contact us on 0871 271 1280 or e-mail info@reevesifa.com

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