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Wednesday 15 June 2011

Frequently Asked Questions?

Here at Reeves Independent we get asked a lot of different types of questions regarding financial matters. At present we are dealing with a number of divorce cases, where the following question has been asked;

Before I got divorced my ex husband sorted out all of our investments but I do not really know what I have got. It’s confusing. How can you help?

It is fairly common to see one member of a family taking the lead with the family finances and then for what ever reason they are not there to do so. It’s not just devorce where this occurs, serious ill health and bereavement can also have the same effect.

The first thing that we do for all new clients is find out what they have got. This often involves taking away a bundle of paperwork which we wade through and put it into some form of meaningful shape. We would then normally get authority to deal direct with the provider to get up to date valuations and other relevant items.

Then a detailed report is produced, which will list everything that you have and will help you understand what you have got and how it matches your needs.

Finally, we will present a range of options about the best course of action for all your finances.

If you relate to the above article and would like some advice & help to get your finances in order then contact 0871 271 1280 or e-mail info@reevesifa.com to speak to one of our experienced team NOW!

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