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Wednesday 13 July 2011

Can you afford NOT to work your Investments?

A recent meeting with a prospective client has added further weight to the argument that if you want more money when you retire you have to really make your investments work.

Mr X was 50 years of age and had accumulated a value of 120k in his pension pot. He was planning to retire at 65 years of age.

What were Mr X's options?
  • Pay more money into his pension - which was ruled out as this was not affordable      
  • Make his investments work by being proactive - as this could really change the quality of his retirement
What could be achieved?

The table below shows what Mr X's investments could return in 15 years time at varying interest rates

*Projection source from Aegon Scottish Equitable for a Flexible Personal Pension 

As you can see even 2% interest rate intervals can have a MASSIVE impact on your pension fund & your income after you retire. Which result would you prefer? The left hand column or the right hand column? If it the right then you need to take action NOW!

How can you achieve this?

  • You need to sit down a devise a strategy & a plan of how you are going to manage your investments
  • Regularly review your investments to ensure the above mentioned strategy & plan are working
  • Have a tool in place that gives you the following;
        • Unlimited fund choice - to give you exposure to specialist sectors & investments
        • Opportunity to move into & out of investments at the right time
        • Control of what you have got 24/7 at the touch of a button
  • Receive support from an expert, experienced & personable advisor

Here at Reeves Independent we would work closely with you to give you the best opportunity of maximising your investment returns. We would give you the strategies, help you make the right decisions & give you the tools to allow you reach your investment goals.

Increase your chances of having more income when you retire by working your investments! 

Contact us on 0871 271 1280 or e-mail info@reevesifa.com for a FREE no obligation appointment!

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