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Wednesday 20 July 2011

Case Study - Taking Control of your Investments to achieve your Objectives!

Last month I received a referral from one of our professional connections based in Leeds, who had a client whose specific request was for someone to manage his Investment Portfolio.

This particular client was a 53 year old male from Nottingham with a well paid job within the IT industry. Mr B as he will be known had over 200k from all his investments and his OBJECTIVE was to retire at 60.

He wanted to do this by maximising returns from the before mentioned investments.

An initial fact find meeting with Mr B established he had 6 different pension funds totalling closer to 250k. These were roughly split with 50% in with profits funds & 50% in UK Equities.

After filling in an in-depth risk profiler questionnaires we had the following conclusions about Mr B;

  • He was prepared to invest in overseas & specialist markets to maximize returns.
  • He wanted to take an active role in the decision making about buying & selling of different investments in response to market changes.

What were Mr B Options?

Following some research it was clear to me that there was at least 100k that was inappropriately invested, which was not contributing towards his objective. In addition to this Mr B was paying a high amount of monthly fees due to this multi-policy arrangement. Mr B's had the following options;

  • Switch into a lower charged pension arrangement, which offered reduced costs & greater fund options & significantly easier administration to assist in his investment programme

  • Bundle all 6 pensions into one that would provide the maximum range of investment opportunities & efficient ongoing portfolio management

Mr B choose the latter option, which whilst occurring higher initial costs would provide the opportunities to grow his pension fund over the next 7 years through Reeves Independent's Portfolio Management Service.

Does the above case sound similar to you? Here at Reeves Independent we would work closely with you to give you the best opportunity of maximising your investment returns. We would give you the strategies, help you make the right decisions & give you the tools to allow you reach your investment goals.

Contact us now on 0191 281 9862 or e-mail info@reevesifa.com NOW for a FREE initial consultation!

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