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Monday 25 July 2011

Reeves Independent's Monthly Portfolio Report!

We have now had our new portfolio’s up & running for a month and we are starting to see nice gains for our clients. Despite the drop in the markets last week due to all the uncertainty surrounding the Greek debt and US debt, the monthly gains have been promising.

The changes we made to our Aggressive portfolio have paid off with over half of our funds showing gains of over 4% and all 16 funds presenting positive returns. Our “Henderson Global Technology A” fund has produced the biggest returns with an extremely healthy 9.34% gain in just a month.

Our Balanced portfolio which was also revamped in June has struggled this week due to the factors mentioned above. However over the month it still showed an average return of 2.51% with all but two of our funds showing positive returns.

As is expected our Cautious portfolio showed the smallest gains as they are invested the least volatile funds. The monthly average return from the 10 funds we invest in was still at 0.8%.
If you would like to review your investment portfolio or you would like the opportunity to possibly make returns like those mentioned above then contact us on 0871 271 1280 or e-mail info@reevesifa.com

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